Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving is Over--On to Christmas!!!

Man oh man! Chris and I had a very relaxing Thanksgiving day this year. We stayed here, in College Station, and had our first Thanksgiving with just the three of us. Our Thanksgiving menu included: Fried turkey (thank you, Redfield Meats), corn, rolls, mashed potatoes, dressing (thank you, Country Crock), and cranberry sauce. If I do say so myself it was pretty tasty. We are still eating turkey!
Friday, was the day after Thanksgiving and Chris and I went to Wal-Mart to buy a new T.V. Our other T.V. starting dying, literally, one channel at a time earlier this year so we've just been waiting until it was dead completely to make the purchase and that day came about three weeks ago. Our schedule Friday was: 4:00AM wake up, 4:30 arrived at Wal-Mart, 4:55 grabbed our T.V., 5:05 leaving Wal-Mart parking lot!
I can't remember the last time I didn't go shopping the day after Thanksgiving and I have never seen anything like the sight I saw this year. We arrived at Wal-Mart at 4:30 and made our way to the back of the store (where the TVs were) and by 4:45 there were a ton of people around us! I had just looked at my watch and told Chris, "Five more minutes." Then I hear yelling and plastic ripping and I look over and one pallet of TVs is getting lower and lower b/c people are taking them down! There were two hispanic men standing next to us and one said to the other, "loco loco." I just laughed. Chris put a TV in our cart, helped a pregnant woman load a 42 inch in her cart, then we headed to the checkout.

Also, on Friday Chris & I got our goodie box from my mom, Grandmother, and my aunt Geri. It was great: No bake cookies, chex mix, celebration sticks, cookies, toffee, and fudge!!!! And of course, all homemade!!!

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