Tuesday, November 30, 2010

On This Day in Christian History, by Robert Morgan

For the history buff in everyone Robert Morgan has written a daily dose of Christian history in, “On This Day in Christian History.” Reading this book everyday is like uncovering a hidden gem in Christian history. Some days will be repeated stories that tend to be more popular than others, such as Martin Luther’s “disputation on the power and efficacy of indulgences,” on October 31st. However, some may not know the story of William Carey on March 12th or Hugh MacKail on November 28th.

Each day is only one page long so there is time to read and enjoy that morning cup of coffee without feeling rushed. However, you might find yourself wanting to read more so give yourself a little time. Each day is written is such a way Morgan gives some background before diving into the day’s history so you won’t feel completely blindsided by empty information.

Thank you to Booksneeze for providing a complimentary copy of this book for reviewing purposes.

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