This app gives you the ability to search their database for recipes and you can save them to your favorites to reference again and again when you need them.
Christianity Today's app updates daily with articles from their magazine, blog posts, and entertainment reviews. You can also update Twitter and Facebook with what you just read straight from the app.
At our house we only have basic cable so we don't have the fancy guide button on the remote. This app quickly allows you to find out what's on TV. You can also save your favorite TV shows so you know when they come on other channels and also change your location. For instance, we have Suddenlink cable here, in Bryan, but when we went to Arkansas for Christmas I was able to change it to my parent's satellite provider.
Anyone that knows me knows I'm a big fan of Amazon! I like their app because you can update and modify your Amazon account from your phone. But my favorite part is you can scan bar codes in stores to see if Amazon has that item cheaper. Yes, I did use this app on Black Friday.
The Plunkett's are big coffee fans so a Starbucks app was bound to be downloaded. There are a couple of things about the app but my favorite is you are able to locate the nearest Starbucks and once you find it you can find out if they are still open, if they serve food, have wifi, or a drive thru.
The Focus on the Family app allows you to listen to their daily broadcasts when ever you want. I can scroll through the previous week's broadcasts and listen to whatever I want whenever I want. You can also update your Facebook with what you are listening to.
You can imagine what this app is about. It is the companion to the best selling book, "What to Expect When You're Expecting." If you input your due date you can get daily updates and weekly updates about your pregnancy and how your baby is growing.
This app would have been really great before we had kids and we could just go out to eat whenever we wanted. Be that as it may, now we are tied to Eli's schedule but this app is still handy when you want to know more about a restaurant before you get there: Will they deliver? Can I see the menu? What are the prices?
Who doesn't love $1.00 movie rentals?! Wouldn't you also love to sit in your recliner, search your local Redbox, and reserve your movie from your phone? Well, with the Redbox app you can do that! Now if you could just have the movie delivered to your house that would be great!
You know when you are watching something and you say, "What was the other movie that guy was in?" With IMDb's app you can find out! You can also watch movie trailers and find show times for movies...if you don't have a 1 year old, that is.
When we lived in Arkansas one of the radio stations I listened to was Air 1 Radio. It is actually a nationwide station but, for some reason, we never get it any where in Texas. Basically, you can listen to the radio live from your phone and also set your alarm to be Air 1.
GH @ Home
The Good Housekeeping app allows you to search solutions to clean those gross food stains off your toddler's clothes, search their database of room ideas, and read their Twitter feed. The cool thing about this app is when you look at their room ideas you can save them as a photo to your phone so if you are out and about you can always reference back to your phone instead of going off your memory for that cool idea you saw.
Last time I checked you had to pay for the real Etsy app but who needs the real app when you have this great substitute for free. From this app you can update Facebook, Twitter, and also e-mail the items you like.
If you have kids this is a cool app because it entertains for a little while. This app has a talking robot that repeats what you say and moves when you tap him and eventually if you keep tapping him he will fall down. My son is en awe for a little while when this robot repeats his dada's and mama's.
Most people I know that get Pottery Barn catalogs in the mail don't actually order items from Pottery Barn they only get it to fill their house with Pottery Barn knock offs. So instead of toting that catalog in your purse just keep it on the phone for handy reference.
Sorry, I couldn't find a link that talked about this app but so far I like it. Of the other coupon apps I've seen/used I like this best. You can add your favorite stores to your favorites so you don't have to scroll through the insanely long list for the store you're looking for. Most stores will also scan the actual app instead of making you have a printed coupon...which is the point in having coupons on your phone-right?
Seriously, why wouldn't you have a Target app? You can view/manage your own registries or lists from your phone, view their weekly ads and/or the daily deals.
Of course, I have Facebook and Twitter apps too but I shouldn't even have to talk about those. Right? There are also a ton of cool apps you can pay for but I already paid for the phone why would I want to pay for apps when I already paid for my phone?
I know some of you are thinking you can do all this same stuff from your laptop in the living room so you don't need these apps. But I have an insanely slow computer so the fact that I can do these things from my much faster phone makes me happy.
1 comment:
Found this great site that has paid apps for free but only for a limited time. They usually revert back to paid apps within 24 hours so it’s best to check back twice a day.
The website is:
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