Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Oh...What a Week...

It's only Wednesday and there is so much going on!

1.  Chris is still in Galveston-they are doing good-he is tired but it appears they are getting a lot of work done.

2.  Parson is walking around here like he doesn't know what to do since Chris is gone--that kind of freaks him out.

3.  I'm not a committed Oprah watcher but occasionally I will partake.  Tonight was one of those evenings.  There was this guy on there that de-clutters places and they de-cluttered a family's Jeep Cherokee.  Anyone that has seen my car knows that I should have been taking notes.  My car embarrassing.   The major flaw with the inside of my car is the floor.  Thank you Hurricane Ike--I got some water in my back seats therefore, creating a very funky smell.  To get rid of the smell I sprinkled baking soda in the floor with good intentions of vacuuming up but it didn't happen so it looks like I have crack in the floor board of my back seat.  Then every time we go on a road trip we take my car and we are usually so tired after those trips we take out the necessities and everything else stays in there until I clean it.  And due to Baby Plunkett I am completely exhausted most of the time so that's not happening.  Well, this de-clutter guru gave some tips for cleaning out your car:  

In 10 simple steps, your car can look like it's just left the lot.

1. Empty everything out of the vehicle and trunk, discard the obvious garbage and return coffee cups to the kitchen. If there's any trash that held milk products (latte cups, yogurt containers), dispose immediately before they start to reek.

2. Sort the remaining items into piles, such as maintenance supplies, kids' stuff, music and videos, manuals and maps.

3. Clean all interior surfaces. Vacuum the floors and seats, wipe down the dash and doors, clean windows and shake out the floor mats.

4. Keep a trash bin on the floor of the back seat, or hang a trash bag from the dashboard.

5. Stash kids' toys, small books and travel games in a behind-the-seat organizer (a hanging shoe bag works, too), within reach of backseat passengers. Periodically rotate items in and out to keep kids interested.

6. Stow tapes and CDs in visor organizers. Separate kids' tunes from adult music.

7. Store the following in the glove compartment: owner's manual, maps, vehicle registration information, auto club information, accident report form, notepad, pen, disposable camera, flashlight, list of emergency contact names and numbers, tire gauge, paper napkins and any other frequently needed or essential items.

8. Purchase or make an emergency kit for your vehicle and store it in the trunk or the rear of the car. Include booster cables, a tire gauge, flares, reflective tape, a help sign, a screwdriver, pliers, a first aid kit, work gloves, a blanket, an old towel or rags, a jug of water and motor oil. 

9. Put together a survival kit, especially if you live in a cold-weather climate. Include candles, waterproof matches, energy bars or candy bars, large plastic garbage bags and rubber bands. Keep larger items, such as cat litter (for slippery roads), a collapsible shovel, an extra blanket and heavy socks, hats and mittens (enough for several passengers), in a duffel bag or tub in the truth or rear of the car.

10. Tackle the car again every season. Restock all your kits; check your maintenance schedule to see when servicing is needed.

My final observation this week is a rant about American Idol.  I am very upset Alexis is gone.  I am not a fan of the oil rig guy.  No doubt he is probably a nice guy but I like Alexis better and can't believe America didn't agree with me  :(  I also want to say that Adam does not need to re-do Johnny Cash songs.  Every time I hear Adam's version of Cash I want to barf (and it's not morning sickness)--some things just need to be left alone.

Also, for those that have been asking I am feeling pretty good except for being tired!  I feel like I never get enough sleep.  I have not had morning sickness but there are some things Baby Plunkett is not a fan of like Chic-Fil-A chicken.  Sad day, I know because I was a dedicated customer.  Six weeks into Baby's life it is getting ears and eyes this week and turning from a tadpole to a pea.  


Emily Elaine said...

No if you click on it it takes you to one of my Sorority sisters sites who had a perfect pregnancy only to give birth to a little girl who wasn't supposed to live past her first night on earth, but by the grace o God she is healthy now. Just a way for me to remember to pray for her.

Emily Elaine said...

Is parson eating or playing poker in the picture of him at the table? He really shouldn't be gambling