I know, I know! It's been awhile since I've put some pictures on here. Below I have some pictures of various happenings that have taken place recently...in no particular order:
First up: The Christmas card I failed to mail out! We had the picture taken in October but I was in no hurry to get them printed. Then the week before Christmas I got them printed but failed to mail them out. Too bad next year we'll have another kiddo or you know I would use this same picture!! |
My husband, the angel. Chris was lowered from our church's ceiling to play the angel Gabriel in our Christmas program. He did a great job! |
Eli at Steve's house the night of Christmas! |
This is Steve's dog, Josie. Eli's pretty much in awe of any dog that doesn't run away from him like Parson does. |
Eli eating Thanksgiving lunch. He had a stomach bug during the week of Thanksgiving so he was eating B.R.A.T food. The food you see in his mouth is a roll--he ate a lot of rolls. |
Eli and his Uncle Jared. My aunt bought this shirt for Eli and it looked so good on him...as most things do. |
I hesitate to even put this picture on our blog because I don't want a bunch of mean mommies leaving nasty comments. But last night we went to check on Eli before going to bed and this is what we found! He was very soundly asleep. Eli's daddy did move him to the correct position without even waking him up! I know bumper pads would solve this problem but Eli started using his bumper pads as a way to try and climb out of his crib so we took them out. |
I think that is a good summary of everything that has gone on around our lives! We hope you all had some happy holidays and are off to a great new year!
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