I had a doctor's appointment today so this update is hot off the presses!
How far along: 34 Weeks
Size of baby: According to "What to Expect When You're Expecting," Harper is about the size of a pineapple and weighing about 5 lbs.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +20 pounds. I know right! I was so proud of myself for maintaining that pretty little number of 9 lbs for so long then BAM! A growing baby and little water retention makes for a puffy girl. Which is great when your husband starts a new job and you're meeting new people everyday and their first impression of you is 20 pounds heavier and a puffy face.
Maternity Clothes: It occurred to me a couple of days ago that Easter will be here while I'm huge-o pregnant. That should be interesting I'm sure. Trust me, no cute floral dresses this year! Pretty sure I would look like a flower garden!
Gender: Girl! Harper Lee Plunkett!
Movement: Harper is pretty active. She's usually on my right side and sometimes I think she's trying to stand up! We've reached the stage where she's trying to stretch out and I'm holding her back.
Sleep: Once I fall asleep it is GOOD sleep and some crazy dreams! It is getting harder and harder to fall asleep though. But my doctor says I can take Tylenol PM so if I feel a sleepless night is approaching I will take one.
What I miss: Going a whole night without having to get up to go to the bathroom and not having heartburn 24 hours a day. By omitting some things from my diet my heart burn has gotten better and I also keep Tums in my purse at all times. Sadly, the things that cause heartburn are some of my absolute favorite things, like tomato products (spaghetti sauce, pizza, BBQ), coffee, carbonated beverages, and acidy things (orange juice).
Cravings: I don't think I have super weird cravings but sometimes the mood strikes for ice cream or something. And I do love a good Coke Icee!
Symptoms: I have that annoying restless leg junk and the heartburn is crazy! I am not kidding--I get heartburn around 8 AM! Usually, I haven't even eaten anything at that point! It seems everything gives me heartburn, I'm averaging about 8 Tums a day at this point.
Best moment this week: Taking a nap one day while Eli took a nap. It is the simple things.
What's happening next: My next doctor appointment is April 13th.
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