Wednesday, December 1, 2010

#2 at 17 Weeks

How far along: 17 Weeks

Size of baby: According to "What to Expect When You're Expecting," #2 is about the size of a sweet potato.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: -8 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight.
Maternity Clothes: Whenever I can't button my pants I pull out the maternity jeans. It's really about comfort!
Gender: Out of the goodness of her heart our doctor went ahead and took peek today (3 weeks before she really wanted to) and she said she's 80% sure it's a girl!  We'll have another ultrasound in January to confirm.  But if it is a girl her name is Harper Lee Plunkett! 
Movement: I haven't felt "her" move from the outside but according to her ultrasound she's moving plenty!
Sleep: Once I fall asleep it is GOOD sleep! I have had some pretty crazy dreams too!
What I miss:  Going a whole night without having to get up to go to the bathroom.
Cravings:  Me and potatoes are good buddies.  Any kind of potato:  baked, fried, mashed, whatever!
Symptoms:  Instead of being totally exhausted everyday it's just every couple of days now.
Best moment this week:  DUH!  Being told we are more than likely having a girl!  Don't get all huffy!  If we found out we were having a boy we would still be excited!
What's happening next:  January 3rd is our next doctor appt and another ultrasound!

1 comment:

Kara said...

That is so exciting!! Little Miss Harper will be well taken care of by her big brother, too.