Monday, April 18, 2011

Eli at 18 Months

That's right!  Eli's officially 18 months old!  Can you believe it?!  I can't.  I still can't believe in a couple of weeks there will be another baby in our house!

Here's the low down on Mr. Eli Plunkett:
Diapers:  5
Shoes:  6/7
Clothes:  18-24 months (some 2T)
Weight:  28 lbs
Height:  33 inches

I've said it before and I'll say it again:  Eli is all boy!  A couple of weeks ago I met a friend from high school at a local park with her two boys and Eli didn't really care much for the actual playground.  Now, the creek with rocks--that's where he wanted to be.  Lucky for us, my friend's sons were also interested in the rocks so we probably spent more time on the edge of the creek throwing rocks than at the actual playground.

Here he is!  Running in the backyard!

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